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Wegovy for Weigt Loss.  Everything you need to know…

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Wegovy for Weight Loss

What is Wegovy?

 The active ingredient found in Weovy is semaglutide. Wegovy is a revolutionary weight loss injection that offers a clinically proven approach to managing obesity or overweight Wegovy was developed by the pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk and it  is a weekly injectable treatment designed for weight loss and diabetes.



How Does Wegovy work?

Semaglutide (Wegovy)  mimicking a naturally occurring hormone called glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1). This hormone is released from the gut in response to food intake and it acts as appetide regulator the homone GLP-1 targets areas of the brain involved in the regulation of appetite and food intake causing you to eat less which  lead to weight loss.

How much weight can i  lost taking Wegovy?

According to a 66 week medical study adults living with obesity lost 35 pounds which is 15% of their body weight while  taken Wegovy and people taking Victoria lost an average of 6 pounds which was 2% of their body weight

he average weight for both groups  taking wegovy and victoria was 232 pounds

Also Adult taking wegovy with a reduced-calorie meal plan and frequent physical activity lost 83% of their body weight more than adults taking victoria and other weight loss shots


What are the side effects of Wegovy?

Like all medications, Wegovy can give some people side effects when they first start to taken it, not everyone will experience side effects with mounjaro and those who often have side effect the go away on their own within a few weeks or months as their body gets used to the medication, these side effect include;

  • Burping
  • Indigestion
  • Inflamed stomach (gastritis)
  • Acid reflux or heartburn
  • Gallstones
  • Dizziness
  • Tiredness
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Bloating
  • Constipation

 Difference between Ozempic and Wegovy?

Wegovy and Ozempic are two brand names for the same drug  semaglutide.

The different brands of semaglutide are prescribed for patients with different medical conditions. Semaglutide has two medical licences:

  • Ozempic is the brand name of the drug licenced for people with type-2 diabetes
  • Wegovy is the brand name of the drug licenced for people who have obesity or are overweight and have additional health problems.

Until recently, Ozempic was prescribed “off-label” to treat obesity as semaglutide did not have a licence for this medical condition. Since Wegovy was launched, we no longer need to prescribe Ozempic out of licence.

How soon can I expect to lose weight with Wegovy?

 many people start noticing weight loss within the first few weeks of starting Wegovy but  People respond to medicines differently and individual results may vary 

It is important to remember that weight loss is a gradual process, and consistency is key.

What dose of Wegovy should i start with?

Wegovy has five different doses available, ranging from  the minimum dose of 0.25mg to the maximum dose of 2.4mg,

In addition You should always start wegovy with 2.5mg dose which is the starting dose of wegovy  this will allow your body to adjust to the medication and help reduce the risk of potential side effects.

These are the varous dose of Wegovy

1st month Week 1-4: 0.25mg
2nd month Week 5-8: 0.5mg
3rd month Week 9-12: 1.0mg
4th month Week 13-16: 1.7mg
5th month Week 17 +:  2.4mg

Can I switch from Ozempic to Wegovy?

Yes you can definately switch from Ozempic to Wegovy 

Ozempic is Semaglutide it is licenced for type 2 diabetes and until recently, was prescribed “off label” for weight loss

Wegovy is Semaglutideand it is licenced to treat patients with overweight and obesity, providing that there has been no break from taking the medication, you can take the same dose of Wegovy when your next dose of Ozempic is due.

How often should I take Wegovy?

Wegovy is taken once a week, any time of day, with or without food.

Can I change the day  I take Wegovy?

You may change the day or time when you take Wegovy as long as your last dose was given 2 or more days before.

What should I eat while taking Wegovy?

 Balanced Diet 

Make sure that you are getting all the nutrients your body needs for optimal functioning while taking Wegovy this can be achieved by eating a balanced diet. balance diet also reduce the risk of  side effects while supporting the drug’s effects on blood sugar regulation and weight loss.

A balanced diet typically includes eating a variety of foods from all the major food groups.

These include:

Fruits and vegetables.

Whole grains.

Lean proteins.

Healthy fats or dairy.

Fruits and vegetables

vegetables and fruits makes you full over a long peroid of time they also contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals that are critical to your  health 

Whole grains

Whole grains are high in fiber and packed with nutrients, they may help you feel fuller for long. Whole grains can help slow down digestion and stop overeating. some whole grains include brown rice, quinoa, oats, and whole-wheat bread. Complex carbohydrates, which provide you with energy throughout the day, are another excellent feature of whole grains.


 consume foods high in protein when taking Mounjaro. Your body requires protein as a necessary nutrient for , growth, repair, and maintenance. example includes fish, poultry, legumes, lean meats, and tofu, can help you keep your lean muscle mass even as you lose weight. In addition to being low in sugar and carbs, these foods support blood sugar regulation and aid in weight loss.

Can I drink alcohol while using Wegovy?

It is not advisable to take  alcohol while using Wegovy, alcoholic beverages can be high in calories and counterproductive to weight-loss efforts

What should I do if I have missed a dose of Wegovy?

It is important that you take your Wegovy each week, in order to maintain a consistent level of medication in your system, If you miss a dose of Wegovy and the next scheduled dose is more than 2 days away, take the missed dose as soon as possible, If you miss a dose of Wegovy and the next scheduled dose is less than 2 days away  do not administer the dose. Take your next dose on the regularly scheduled day, talk to your medical provider if you have missed your dose for more than 2 weeks

 How should I store my Wegovy pen?


Wegovy should be store correctly to ensure it remains effective and safe

  • Always remember to keep wegovy in its original packaging, in order to protect it from light, moisture, and other external factors.
  •  Wegovy should be stored in the refrigerator between 36°F (2°C) and 46°F (8°C) –  You should know that Wegovy can be stored at room temperature (but below 30 degrees) for 6 weeks whilst in use, without having any effect on the efficacy of the drug 
  • Avoid freezing Wegovy beacause extreme temperatures can render it ineffective.
  • Wegovy should be protected from sun light, as semaglutide is sensitive to light exposure, so it’s essential to keep wegovy in its packaging and store it away from  sunlight
  • After you take each injection do not leave the needle attached , as this could be dangerous and poses a risk of infection

 It is possible to travel with your Wegovy pen.

Yes you can travel with Mounjaro when traveling with mounjaro keep your mounjaro pens inside the mounjaro original box with you or in your carry on bags, as it may freeze in the baggage compartment.

Can I use Wegovy with other weight loss treatments?

No you should never use Wegovy with any other  weight loss drugs this will increase the risk of side effects.

What will happen if I stop taking Wegovy?

Overweight or Obesity is considered to be a long-term chronic health condition, just like diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. If you were taking medicines to help manage those diseases, and you stopped them, you would expect your blood sugar, blood pressure or cholesterol to go back up too. Obesity is the same type of chronic disease and the leading cause of those other diseases, so we fully expect that if you stop the medication, over time you will gradually start to regain weight because your appetite will return.

How long will I have to use Wegovy for?

Wegovy is  considered safe for long-term use,  the benefits of sustained treatment often outweigh the risks, Clinical trials also revealed a reduced risk of adverse cardiovascular events, including heart attacks or strokes it is crucial to remain vigilant for any side effects and report them to your health care provider.

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